Many people feel nervous when visiting Advanced Endodontic Therapy for treatment. Dr. Jacob Fimple and Dr. Ryne Jackson offer several instructions and recommendations to help you feel at ease in our office and receive the care you need. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment with our endodontists in Omaha, Nebraska, call us today at 402-763-4929.

Before Treatment

Before your procedure, our team will take the time to help you understand your treatment. Patient education is very important to us, and we will address any and all questions you may have prior to your procedure.

Your endodontic procedure will be performed using local anesthesia, and this should not interfere with your regular schedule or your ability to drive. We do recommend that you:

  • Avoid taking medications to alleviate discomfort, as they could mask symptoms and impact our evaluation.
  • Continue to use prescribed medications before your procedure.
  • Make sure to eat a full breakfast or lunch before your appointment.

If you have any questions about current prescriptions or about your treatment, please contact us prior to your procedure.

During Treatment

Try to relax as much as possible. Our endodontists and team will make sure you are comfortable throughout your procedure. We want your experience to be as pleasant as possible.

After Treatment

After your procedure:

  • You may experience tenderness in your tooth and surrounding gum tissues for several days. This is normal and will improve with time.
  • Avoid chewing on the side of your mouth that is sore or tender.
  • Take over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen (Tylenol) to relieve discomfort.
  • Continue your normal oral hygiene regimen.

If you experience severe pain or swelling, contact our office at 402-763-4929 immediately. We offer emergency and after-hours appointments to address any unexpected problems that may occur.

Please be aware that your tooth may be more prone to fracturing after receiving endodontic treatment, and a follow-up restoration such as a dental crown must be placed to protect your tooth. Your dentist and endodontist will work together to determine the right type of restoration for your needs to protect your tooth against future injury.

For more information, and to schedule your consultation, give us a call today!