Gentle Care You Can Trust

We are committed to providing you with high-quality, individualized care. You can count on us to ensure you feel comfortable throughout your visit.

Skilled & Gentle Dentistry

Meet Dr. Jacob Fimple

Dr. Jacob Fimple is proud to be part of the Omaha community and enjoys being able to provide care, comfort and relief through endodontic treatment. When you meet with Dr. Fimple you can expect to receive quality endodontic care using the latest dental technologies and for our team to go above and beyond in meeting your unique needs while also helping you feel comfortable. Give us a call today to schedule a consultation and learn more!

meet our team

Expectations & Instructions

Nervous About Your Treatment?

We will provide you with instructions before and after your treatment to help you prepare for your visit. We want you to feel at ease throughout your time in our office. Call to make an appointment with Dr. Jacob Fimple and learn more!

see instructions

Why Choose Us?

Your Smile Is Worth It